Upon arriving at Welcome House, many men have significant Substance Use Disorders, along with little to no financial stability or employment prospects. Some lack vital identification documents such as a driver’s license or Social Security card. For some, these obstacles are compounded by challenging circumstances like poverty, homelessness, legal issues and family troubles.

Welcome House has long recognized the need to expand services and acquire more funds to adequately support growth. The
organization’s building is almost 120 years old and as such is severely outdated and in disrepair, making the need for a modern and safe space more pressing than ever. With 85% of residents having an annual income of less than $10,000 and 54% being uninsured, the need for donor support was dire for success. To increase reach and influence, Welcome House needed to make data available to a larger pool of donors.
“Our mission and objective is to work with these folks and introduce them to a different way of living. We provide them the support, education and rehabilitation required to get sober and stay sober”
-Jamie Boyle, President and CEO of Welcome House.
To address the issues of finances and fundraising effectively, Welcome House needed a streamlined and user-friendly system that would allow them to tackle crucial tasks while also managing the backend and overall program performance.
The Community CareLink (CCL) case management platform offered Welcome House an electronic health record (EHR) system that could be customized to their programming, specifically for processes, assessments and documentation. This allowed Welcome House to practice effective case management and monitor program and outcome performance in order to produce reports and data to showcase their work.
With CCL in place, Welcome House staff can now easily pull reports that serve as a source of motivation, reminding them of the success they contribute to. Through its extensive database and intuitive interface, managing resident operations, providing the right care to clients, connecting resources and referrals, managing client load and showing both client and program effectiveness have been essential to Welcome House’s mission. With CCL, all documentation and client experiences are now recorded, and the information is used to compare successes over the years to better understand the resident journey in relation to donor activity.
"When it came time to improve operational grant funding and certainly the capital campaign, the picture we were able to paint and the story we were able to tell about our program was only that much stronger because of the data and the information that we could pull from CCL."
-Jamie Boyle, President and CEO of Welcome House.
By utilizing custom reports, staff members are able to compare and contrast various data points from different time periods, such as the entire year, a specific month or previous week, providing a complete picture of resident progress and program trends.

Thanks to CCL’s advanced reporting capabilities, Welcome House was able to communicate
the urgency of the situation and raise the necessary resources to successfully secure more than $10 million in funding for its much-needed new facility. The $14.2 million Welcome House Recovery Center will increase its bed capacity from 80 to 106 and will have dedicated spaces for classrooms, offices, spiritual gatherings, computer labs and wellness amenities. It is scheduled to open in July 2023 and will provide residents with a comfortable and secure place to find sobriety, long-term recovery and to change their lives. Boyle States, “We knew we were doing good work, but we really were not able to effectively showcase that or communicate that to the people that we needed to, to be able to grow, secure additional funding, execute a capital campaign and build the facility that we needed.”
"From the very beginning, Community CareLink did two very important things. It allowed us to manage and build a program with incredibly high outcomes. And it provided us a way to show people who we felt might care and get involved in our efforts. Without Community CareLink being able to do those two things, we wouldn’t be building a 28,000-square-foot building right now as it relates to substance use disorder, alcoholism and addiction"
-Jamie Boyle, President and CEO of Welcome House.