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6 Ways Randolph County is Creating a Better Community

Writer's picture: Community CareLinkCommunity CareLink

Updated: Sep 17, 2022

We exist because the substance use and recovery non-profit First Call looked for case management software options and realized none of them could meet its needs. First Call, and the individuals they serve are unique, so we built our own software. Now, First Call Technologies stands alone to help other nonprofits–big or small– achieve their people-serving missions.

Forward-thinking leads to stronger families

One such mission-driven partner is Randolph County, Mo. Since its inception in 1998, Randolph County Caring Community Partnership (RCC) has been forward-thinking. Executive Director Brian Williams believes that communities, especially those rural, were capable of fixing themselves if they were honest about their limitations and intentional with utilizing their unique strengths to solve problems and execute solutions.

Led by Brian and Project Director Lorna Miles, the mission of RCC is to engage the community in action towards enhancing the quality of life for all residents and seek improved results in six key areas:

  • Healthy Children and Families

  • Children Safe in Their Families and Families Safe in Their Community

  • Young Children Ready to Enter School

  • Children Succeeding in School

  • Youth Ready to Enter Productive Adulthood

  • Parents Working at Reasonable Wages

Brian and Lorna believe that if you can overcome the obstacles present in a rural community you can then capitalize on the even greater strengths that a tight-knit rural county has as well. Despite limited resources and geographic and time constraints, it was clear that the community cared, wanted to get involved and were willing to put in the work and investment to be successful in the six areas of focus.

Partnering for better communities

Community CareLink became the system of record not only make this happen but to prove it with measured outcomes. Building generational stability and success was not going to be an easy task, but RCC knew with Community CareLink as a foundation, they could build a clear and defined path. This path begins with building healthy kids and families early on to support a strong, stable youth that is capable of succeeding in school and eventually the job market. Success is ultimately achieved when that generation of youth becomes the adult leaders of the community and begins giving back.

The building blocks to success

RCC determined through a county-wide utilization and assessment using the Arizona Self Sufficiency Matrix that they could best support the foundational building blocks of youth by: supporting parent’s economic stability, providing secure employment, addressing food scarcity and having access to appropriate and preventative health care.

As the youngest members of a community grew up they would need ongoing and continued support in these areas but also total family access to mental health services, education and treatment as it related to alcohol, tobacco and substance use.

To do this, RCC identified key areas that would need to be addressed; strengthening the mental health system, integration of clinical providers and clinical procedures and making a big push in addressing social determinants of health. By providing access to a strongly supported and documented infrastructure addressing these areas, they have become a case study in how rural communities can achieve stability and success today, as well as in the future.

Data-driven action steps

RCC uses the Arizona Self Sufficiency Assessment throughout its network to access and prioritize holistic community needs. What Community CareLink has been able to measure is that substance use treatment continues to creep down the list in terms of immediate needs, which tells us we need to pay attention. Substance Use Disorder is symptomatic of underlying community issues and, though it can never be fully eliminated, once identified as a need, can be addressed to make a real impact at the community level.

Real change is possible

Randolph County is a shining example of what’s truly possible when resources, holistic care and community stakeholders come together to address issues of impact from youth to adulthood. We’re proud to support them in their mission to enhance the quality of life for not only today’s residents, but future generations.

Are you ready to create real change in your community? We’d love to help!

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