An electronic health record (EHR) is more than a digital copy of a patient’s paper chart. EHRs are real-time, people-centered, longitudinal records that make information available instantly and securely to your agency or organization. While it does contain the clinical histories of those you serve, a case management system like Community CareLink is designed to go beyond standard data to help human services professionals understand and act. Together, we can impact real change in the lives of our communities.

10 reasons your agency needs to convert to an EHR.
10. More space: Real estate is getting pricier by the day! Our clients gain an average of 1,000 square feet* of office space with each Community CareLink implementation. Freeing up office space by putting your records into an EHR allows your organization to grow in ways that serve your clients better. Check out some of our all-time greatest hits below!
*Not an actual data figure–ironic, being that we are a data company.
9. Data on-demand: As a people-serving organization, you need access to information now–digging through a mountain of paper won’t cut it. Whether it is for case management needs or to run reports to show outcomes and impact to a potential funder, you need fast, real-time data that only an EHR can provide.
8. Consistency and uniformity: Both are hallmarks of a well-run and impactful nonprofit agency. No two clients have the same needs, and the most important thing is for case managers to capture all of the correct information from the very first intake to make the best care decisions possible. With an electronic health record, custom forms, notes and longitudinal health and social data are always in one place.
7. Increased grants: Grants can be trans-formative in terms of how many people an organization can positively impact. However, you must be compliant to take advantage of a grant. An EHR like Community CareLink takes the guesswork out of capturing the baseline information you need to meets requirements with custom reporting, forms and retrospective data.
6. Security: The services, programs and health data you touch on a daily basis are often both sensitive and private. Paper records can get lost, copied or seen by unqualified eyes. Investing in a Certified health IT solution* provides peace of mind that your patient data is protected and meets the highest standards of the Office of the National Certifier.
*In case you were wondering, Community CareLink is one of the only case management EHRs that is comprehensive, collaborative AND certified.
5. Collaboration: We help our clients best when we work as a team, both in house and with our community partners. We want the same for you. Imagine your team sitting around a notebook each day, sharing and documenting case notes, service delivery items and more. No time, right? When your team operates out of a single, shared electronic health care record, you can consistently work together with up-to-date and accurate data to give the best care.
4. Financial accuracy: Are your financial records a mix between spreadsheets and whiteboards? We’ve been there. Significantly improve both the accuracy of invoicing, billing and agency financials by documenting services within the same EHR system you use to create financial reports. Community CareLink (that’s us, in case you already forgot) even created a dashboard that shows real-time agency metrics that you can share with a click.
3. Safety: Did you know one of First Call Technology’s founders, Ben Schloegel, is also a Kansas City Fire Department Captain? He says that the mountains of old paperwork sitting in cardboard boxes in the room no one enters is only good for one type of business: the fire business! If you think we should stop cutting down trees and burning down buildings than it is time you start using Community CareLink.*
*We admit that last line is a bit dramatic. But so is an EHR-data-expert-fire-captain co-founder! We don’t do anything small here.
2. Partner in the process: Fear of the unknown, especially when it involves acquiring and utilizing technology, can be daunting. We get it–before we are data geeks, we are case managers, clinicians, and administrators just like you! When you partner with case management software like Community CareLink, you are no longer sifting through data alone. Every step of the way, our team trains you to do the very best work with as little disruption as possible. We create forms, reports and workflows that make sense for the way you work–because we take the time to understand your mission.
1. Shared mission: Your agency’s mission gives our organization purpose! Serving people well is the very reason our agencies get up each day to tackle some of the toughest tasks for those in the most need with little resources. We believe in the work you do, which is why we take our time to design of software with your unique needs in mind. Through our technology, our hope is to empower your agency to accelerate service delivery, organize programming and measure outcomes to impact more people.
Ready to use data to make an impact? TALK TO US TODAY